The Corporate Purpose Podcast

Building a Compelling ESG Program

Episode Summary

Carol Nolan Drake, J.D., CEO and founder of Carlow Consulting, joins the podcast to talk about building a meaningful ESG program. In this episode, we discuss what is ESG, how ESG is linked to corporate purpose and the role your leadership and employees play in building a results-oriented ESG program. We also dive into accountability, risk management and short-term versus long-term expectations.

Episode Notes

Carol Nolan Drake, J.D., is the CEO and Founder of Carlow Consulting LLC, where she provides corporate governance, ESG and diversity consulting services to public and private companies, non-profit organizations and investors. Carol is also the co-author of the Society for Corporate Governance, ESG Implementation Guide. 

In this episode, Carol answers some key questions regarding ESG and assembling a results-driven program, including: 

  1. What is ESG?
  2. Is there a relationship between corporate purpose and ESG?
  3. What is the role of the leadership team, or specifically, the board of directors in putting together an ESG program?
  4. How can leaders involve or activate their employees to help them achieve the goals laid out in their ESG program?
  5. How are leaders holding themselves and the business accountable to their ESG program? And, also, do you see employees holding leaders accountable to the program?
  6. How are companies balancing short-term and long-term results? Particularly, balancing expectations from investors and results outlined in the program?
  7. Can you explain the role of ESG in risk mitigation and risk management?
  8. What advice would you give a company beginning to assemble or in the early stages of assembling an ESG program?

You can learn more about Carol's work on ESG, diversity and corporate governance by visiting or connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn

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Is your purpose clear? 

There's a lot of talk about purpose. But, how do we actually know if our purpose is clear and making its way through the organization? Try taking  The Purpose Quiz. Answer a few short questions and then scroll through the results to see how you did and for tips on where you could better align your business around its purpose. You can download it here.  


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